ams8m photography

A photo of a cherry three with white pedals in spring on a bright blue sky.
A photo of a grey and brown tabby cat sleeping sideways on a white bed with a blank white background.
A closup photo of a black cat looking at the camera laying on a cat tower with a shallow depth of field and strong background blur with Christmas lights in the background.
A closeup self-portrait of the photographer from the side with soft rim lighting illumiating a fair toned face with brown wavy hair and black rectangular glasses.
A photo of a black cat looking down at the camera from across a hallway.
A zoomed in photo of a tabby cat with brown fur looking away from the camera surrounded by grass
A photo of a light beige field with two green trees position in the right third of the image with a bright blue sky without any clouds.
A photo of a mostly grey tabby cat with brown and reddish fur lying on a blanket in an indoor setting. Its eyes are partially closed as if it's sleeping or relaxing.